Transition Escape: The Cursed Apartment
This time, your journey takes you back to Romania in 1961, where a dark and chilling story unfolds. In a small apartment lived a mentally ill father who mercilessly beat his wife and child until he tragically killed them. The authorities sentenced him to death, but the nightmare was far from over...
Several months after the incident, a new tenant moved into the apartment. Soon after, he began hearing strange, unsettling noises echoing through the rooms. Then, one night, the neighbors found the tenant mysteriously dead. His body lay untouched, and no one dared to enter the apartment or even approach the scene.
Your Mission:
You must step into the cursed apartment, retrieve the body, and uncover the mysterious cause of death. But be warned—the apartment is not safe. Every second you linger increases the danger, and you never know what might be waiting in the shadows.
Are you brave enough to face the horrors within and solve the mystery before it’s too late? Be quick, or you may become part of the curse yourself...